

“Optimism is an occupational hazard of programming: feedback is the treatment.”

--Kent Beck

The ability to store and maintain large amounts of data is most frequently associated with large and expensive infrastructure. Often, traditional systems are designed around a database, with business logic littered with data access method calls. This approach results in high IO and cross-network traffic. At Sokol Systems we spent a lot of time optimizing the business functions.

And as a separate step, we optimized the IO functions, by designing a high- performance data store to support business operations.

As a result of these design decisions, the Asset Record can:

  • Compute and maintain 300,000,000+ positions in real time
  • Process 80,000+ transactions and 250,000+ position updates per second
  • Guarantee for zero loss on all captured transactions
  • Perform full data snapshot in several seconds
  • Calculate millions of back-dated adjustments in real time
All these features are achieved on commodity hardware.